MISC Lab serves students with a range of career goals and interests. Several have gone on to get PhDs in cognitive psychology or related fields:
Emily Braham, PhD University of Pittsburgh
Heather Bruett, PhD University of Pittsburgh
Rachel Dickler, PhD Rutgers University; Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Colorado Boulder
Kristen Duke, PhD University of California San Diego; Faculty member at University of Toronto
Andrew Edelblum, PhD University of Oregon; Faculty member at University of Dayton
Sophie Kay, PhD Georgia Tech
Stephanie Mallinas, PhD Florida State University; Faculty member at Eckerd College
Below are some testimonials from member of MISC Lab:
In my sophomore year at TCNJ, I took Cognitive Psychology with Dr. Grimm and I knew I wanted to contribute to the research I learned about in the course. I joined the MISC Lab the following semester. Each project that the lab works on is discussed at length in lab meetings, giving the research assistants a great deal of influence on the final research design. This time spent growing comfortable and confident in sharing my opinions with the lab and collaborating on which design would work best has really helped me in figuring out what it takes to develop an effective experimental design. I will use the skills I gained in MISC Lab as I grow as a scientist in grad school. –Heather Bruett, Graduated 2016
My experience in the MISC Lab has been invaluable to my career and development as a researcher. While I am currently pursuing my Ph.D in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Georgia Tech, the training and experience I received in the MISC Lab laid a solid foundation for my research skills. During my two and a half years in lab, I learned how a lab is run, how studies are designed and carried out, and how to interpret results. During my senior year I was able to apply this knowledge in a hands-on manner and complete an honors thesis in the lab. This independent research opportunity was extremely useful in preparing me for graduate school. –Sophie Kay, Graduated 2014
The MISC laboratory gave me a lot of great research experience as well as a general appreciation for evidence-based research, which I wish to apply in my graduate work. It also developed my interest in individual differences in cognition, a topic that is relevant in regard to educational practices that specifically address cognitive differences in children. – Kristin Martin, Graduated 2013
I was a member of MISC Lab for three semesters. It was through lab that I discovered my passion for research. I loved developing hypotheses, tweaking studies, and analyzing results. MISC Lab also fostered a strong interest in cognitive psychology, which encouraged me to pursue Psychology as a second major (I had previously only been an Economics major). A lot of the work we do in MISC Lab is cross-disciplinary, drawing ideas from both cognitive psychology and social psychology. The process of combining ideas helped me learn how to align disparate research interests, a crucial skill that I will use in my interdisciplinary doctoral work. – Kristen Duke, Graduated 2013
Jesse said that the MISC Lab has helped him with his current job because he has to work in groups most of the time and the Lab gave him a lot of practice performing well with a group. Additionally, the stereotype threat and regulatory fit knowledge that he leaned in the Lab is always in the back of his mind. He said that he often notices when he or one of his colleagues is in or out of their fit state. Furthermore, Jesse said that he has excelled in his project execution abilities at his job as a result of having to stay on task and work to finish all of the studies that he worked on in the Lab. –Jesse Taylor, Graduated 2012
Overall, Ben says MISC Lab helped him gain a different perspective than others because of the cognitive background. He can think about what athletes can cognitively do to improve their performance and what goes on in a potential client’s mind. Additionally, most people in his Master’s program do not have a cognitive specialization, so MISC helped enable him to have a different approach in counseling. –Ben Lewis, Graduated 2012
Through the MISC laboratory, I discovered my passion for research, became very interested in social cognition, and was inspired to pursue graduate studies in psychology. – Emily Braham, Graduated 2012
I am currently doing research with a professor in graduate school and have been able to use the skills taught to me by Dr. Grimm in graduate research. I work closely with two other girls on my team and I play the role as the lab manager who creates the schedule, contacts parents, and schedules therapy sessions (similar to what I did in the MISC Lab). Dr. Grimm has taught me so much about being organized, professional, and how to conduct research in a positive and stress free (most of the time) environment. I am also extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to present research with Dr. Grimm because it truly helps you become a better researcher and lab member. Working in the MISC Lab was such a great experience, and some theories that we have studied in our lab or in cognitive psychology can be applied to speech pathology. – Diana Barral, Graduated 2011